Gift shop prior to remodel

As part of the $20 million revitalization project, USS Bowfin Submarine & Park’s gift shop was temporarily closed for renovations. However, after a month and a half, we are happy to announce that the museum gift shop’s renovation is complete.  

We will be celebrating our grand re-opening Friday, November 8th at 8:00am. If you are in the area, we highly recommend you stop by and check out our newly remodeled shop and our latest gift shop items!

For those unable to join us here at Pearl Harbor, do not despair. We will be offering featured items in our upcoming e-newsletters, so if you haven’t already, please subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter, here.  

The Museum Gift Shop is run by our partner, Service Systems Associates (SSA), an award-winning visitor amenities company. They partner with Cultural Attractions across the country to deliver innovative ideas and increase visitor participation with mission related programming. For more information visit, KMSSA.