

Learn with Us

The Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum offers our visitors opportunities to further their understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through its STEM Engagement Program which includes field trips, interactive exhibits, demos, and activities that enhance the total visitors’ museum experience.

This program is aligned with Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the state’s focus to create equal opportunities in accessing quality education.

Engage and Inspire

Our STEM program focus is to spark visitors’ interest to help them succeed in college, careers, and life. We encourage them to see themselves in STEM-related careers by exploring the museum’s exhibits and visiting the Innovation Carts.


Innovation Cart

Visitors see science and history come alive on the Innovation Cart through interactive, hands-on demos and activities lead by museum staff to ignite their imaginations!

Homeschool Days

Monthly homeschool days spotlight project-based STEM learning—the similar engineering and science that built the museum’s submarine. They are age-appropriate for all abilities. Topics include historical artifact handling, photographs of submariners, and live demonstrations. Students and their families explore the museum and can go on a self-guided scavenger hunt.

Internships for High School Students

Junior and senior year high school students are welcomed to apply throughout the year. Students learn about submarines and their technological advancements, meet experts in the field, and demo Innovation Cart programs for the public while receiving one-to-one assistance for college success through the museum’s mentorship program.

For STEM inquiries, information, and visits, please email or call (808) 423-1341.